Harajuku Dance
Rock Blog!

Personal Blog!
This section is specifically for entries about me and my life, its definetly more like a journal or diary.... but i just wanted to combine both (⇀‸↼‶)

20241016 / 05:24PM

ok HAIAIII its been awhile. the hurricane hit and then like two weeks later. ANOTHER hurricane hit and decimated part of the south. and then two weeks after TTHAT. there was another one. i am begging the universe to stop. november 30th cant come soon enough.
onto better things, today is the two month mark of moving! its been cool, and sometimes not cool, but thats just life. my gf's mom came to visit last weekend (i love her sm im so happy she did), we had a great weekend w her and then a lil fall break that ended yesterday. unfortionately though.. MY stepmother is visiting tmrw.. shes bringing my sister which i am happy about, i do miss her, and its for her bday!! yay!! but i am not excited to have to spend a day w my stepmother. i dont know how much i want to talk about it but. she has just changed a lot. and it hurts me. ive known her since i was under five i think? even though my parents divorced twice when i was growing up, idrk where she came in officially, no one tells me the truth. but i do know she raised me for a good chunk of when i was younger, and i trusted her with so much. But in the more recent years she has just been so bad. and her and my dad argue 24/7. they literally have a "sleep divorce" bc they cant sleep in the same bed tghr. and im not even able to SEE my dad tmrw which was originally the plan. UGH idk this probably all makes no sense. im just upset i think. my parents arent the best and they can be so fucked up to my gf, and not even in a homophobic way all the time ?? its so weird.
ive just learned over the past couple years that how they treat me isnt ok, not even to mention the weird medical neglect that happened like two years ago?? oh what a life i live!
im just trying to stay positive, which speaking of! i tried a BLUE COCONUT REDBULL REFRESHER TODAY!!! and it was sooosooooooo delicious im going back for another one tmrw. I FORGOT TO MENTION. ITS FINALLYLYYYYYYYY GETTING COLD HERE I WORE A SWEATER OUT TODAY IM SO SO HAPPY. the HIGH was 76 degrees today i was in SHOCK.
OHHHH WHICH REMINDS ME EVEN MORE. MY HALLOWEEN PLANS!!!! me and my gf got tickets for a midnight showing of the rocky horror picture show on halloween night!!!!! isnt that AWESOME. we are dressing up too, shes going as floor show janet, and im going as rocky!! im so excited (ive actually never even seen the movie before which is funny bc one of the ways me and my gf bonded is by her complimenting my rocky horror shirt i was wearing as a POSER) but in my freshman year last year my professor taught a unit about the show and its influence on queer culture!! which was so cool. im rly excited to see it and dress up, our costumes are coming in today and tmrw!!
on stuff more on topic with my site! i have a couple ideas for some shrines and just some other pages. i love coding so so much and im hoping to find some more time for it after my midterms are over BLAH. i HATE biology btw. i love anthropology and learning abt humans but i be DAMNED if u ask me shit about cells and proteins and nuclei genuinely FUCK OFF. i wanna look at hominid skeletons NOT tissues.
i can cross biological anthropologist off my list (i always knew i wanted to be an archaeologist anyway)
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240910 / 02:44PM

theres a tropical storm turned hurricane coming my way rn and Honestly i am tweaking out of my mind which is RLY WEIRD. my university cancelled classes tmrw. im a little frazzled rn even though i know i shouldnt be. growing up in florida/other parts of the south, ive been through so many hurricanes and tornados and storms, and its never rly made me nervous before. its the first hurricane ill go through without my parents or my sister there. my anxiety is heightened by the fact that Katrina's anniverary was about two weeks ago as well, even though i know i shouldnt veiw it as a curse or anything. it happens every year. hurricane season is always the same, im just in a new place. My Uni was handing out free prep kits so we got two, so YAY!! two flashlights and other good stuff!! and we have plenty of water. the storm isnt really supposed to hit until tmrw around noon. we have time. we went to the storm yesterday and got some more supplies, gas stations had lines down streets. finding out about the storm was so sudden too, i only found out yesterday about it at all. i know itll be fine. im prepared (but still annoyed) at the fact we probably wont have power for some hours, im mostly worried about flooding. We have a first floor apartment and were right by a big lake. it may sound materialistic, but i DONT WANT MY FIGURTES AND TECH AND BOOKS AND PC RUINED. but even if we do start flooding we can get that stuff on higher ground to keep it safe.
i will just have to keep hoping for the best. they havent said to evacuate or anything, and its a bit silly to get this stressed over a storm that barely a Cat 2, but my gf still said its the most anxious shes ever seen me in our two years.
i just needed to get that out of my system, thank you
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240903 / 03:34PM

HI I HAVE OFFICIALLY MOVED 3 STATES AWAY TO UNI. WOW . we moved august 16th so weve been settled in for about 2 weeks now?? its been AMAZING!!!!!!! i love living away from my family and my hometown and i love my apartment and everything in it so much (except for the bugs..... but its an old building in the south by the water... theres gonna be bugs.) speaking of I GOT BIT BY A SPIDER LAST WEEK. in my apartment while washing dishes and i had a slight panic attack bc. i am so so so scared of spiders and getting bit by specifically a brown recluse or black widow and i cried slightly but. it truly was just a regular spider that bit me bc it was scared. my calf is still attached to my body.
anyway. this entry is a little scattered already bc the only reason i wanted to blog is bc. i havent had a burger. in over two weeks. and i am going slightly crazy. and this may sound silly coming from me. bc my site name is literally Burgeritchi. but burger are my favorite food and THERE IS NO FUCKING WHATABURGER WHERE I LIVE NOW. crying emoji crying emoji. whataburger number one is my fav Ever (other than freddys probably) and the closest one is AN HOUR AND THIRTY AWAY. ofc ill get a burger from anywhere its just,,,, i love whataburger so much. a lot of the burger places in the city i live in now are also not as chainy? so ive never tried their burgers before. burgers are like my autistic safe food too which is why i love whataburger so much. they are ALWAYS the same. so i guess i am also scared to step outside of my burger comfort zone, even though i just moved 3 states away from my family and hoometown which was also outside of my comfort zone, but i think that was easier than this.
i think i might ask my gf if we can stop by the burger king by the school wehn we go grocery shopping today.. i crave a plain cheeseburger w fries and a large coke... please... i also think my burger cravings are getting worse bc my gf is a vegetarian of genuinely ten years, so we have limited meat in the house. she forgot i needed to eat it. but its ok bc she got me a rotesserie chicken.. ahhhh young love.
i just ranted so much about burgers but i just needed to get that off my chest... thank you...
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240813 / 03:51PM

OMG. omg it has been a minute. i havent been able to blog or code all that much or do anything bc I MOVED OUT OF MY APARTMENT!!!!!! with just my gf to help me. my parents (who i moved back in with for 2 weeks) didnt help AT ALL. but its fine bc i moved in officially on july 31st and its been like two weeks since then! my parents moved out of what was basically my childhood home when i went to college so i am now staying in their guest room in their new house. its weird. i am just surrounded by boxes of my stuff and im living out of trash bags full of my clothes and essentials.
the biggest problem is it is just so weird for me to have nothing of myself surrounding me, not my sheets, not my figures, or posters, or tv, nothing. i also have been in a worse mood/aggravated easily since staying with my family. im so so so SO excited to move out of state with my gf. (we just hit 2 years!!! except we had to move the entire day.. but it was still some of the most fun ive ever had) all we jhave been doing is buying things for our apartment and tlaking about decorating. i cannot believe i leave on friday. i dont think i have fully realized (emotionally) that im moving three hours away to a new city with only my gf. which is so great and im so excited, but leaving a hometown is just so weird. and its not even like i didnt move around a lot as a kid. idk. im only a little nervous. i know everything will work out because it always does.
ANTWAYYYSSS onto the FUN STUFF. me and my gf saw DEADPOOL AND WOLVERINE in theaters last tuesday!! (exactly a week from today). and my life has been changed. me and my gf were both HUGGEGEEEE marvel fans before we meet (specifcially through middle/early high school) but bc of marvels.. recent moves.. we both lost the hype and passion for it, but smth about deadpool and wolverine just reginited the old special interest and for the last week all we have done is go full blast into it again. She made us a masterlist of all marvel movies and shows and we are going to watch EVERY SINGLE ONE !!!!!! itll be even easier living tghr. but bringing to my next talking point. ive gotten into XMEN.
i saw some bits and pieces of the xmen movies while growing up but i always found it confusinf and almost scary to think about trying to get into, so i stuck to marvel which felt easier, but after watching wolverines shirt rip off and seeing him oiled up listening to madonna.... My life truly has changed for the better.
not only is logan howlett the sexiest mf EVER, the xmen truly is sSSOOOOO COOL and i love the "metaphor" for the social issues they r targeting. its just so interesting and amazing to watch. i rly want to read the comics now!!!! we are about halfway through the xmen movies i think ? weve watched so much in just a weeek... as silly as it is, getting back into superhero stuff has made me so happy. i already bought some rly cool dp&w posters. i love logan howlett so much.
a lot is going on and its kinda weird rn but everything is also so so good. i am so lucky.
wolverine/logan howlett shrine has been moved up to the top of my coding to do list.....
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240719 / 10:15AM

HIYA!! its been a second since ive been able to make a post! LOTS of updates of everything going on. i got my car back!! ik i talked about that in the last entry but!!! TIFFANY IS BACK AND NOT BROKEN!! yayyyy. in other huge news I QUIT MY JOB!!!! mhm i quit last thursday (? i think) and put in a week notice, so my last day is tmrw. i am very happy and also sad but it had to be done sooner or later anyway :). i just thankful to have more time to pack up my room and things (and also code a lot more LOL). i havent been able to code at all in the last couple days, but that is also my doing. sometimes im just tooooo tired, and i also just hate feeling uninspired so sometimes i just avoid it - even though i think about my website and coding most of the day.
i am once again waiting for my gf while she is in therapy, although rn i am sitting in her car w the windows down!! its cloudy and rainy outside and the therapy office is right across the way from this super old hosipital, it has beautiful archtecture. so i have an amazin vewi OK ITS STARTING TO REALLY RAIN WAIT I HAVE TO PUT UP HE WINDOWS
OK ANYWAYS after therapy me and my gf r going out to get sushi!!!!! and i am excited bc itll be my first time rly Trying sushi and ordering some to eat (i think i might get the california roll). she just rly wants miso soup and vegetable rolls LOL. but that has been my life lately. i have been feeling a lot of stress and anxiety but rn i am doing good i think. i still cant believe i quit my job, i have a lot of mixed feelings about it and i think i am gonna miss some parts of it. but ig that is normal. my store manager was very very nice about the whole thing, and everyone just said they were going to miss me alot, which is comforting. but, after my last day, i will be trying to doordash as much as i can to make some money on the side!!! i love money!!!1
but all in all i want to code more and get more of my website done. i love this site soo sooo much. my burger baby. i also have a goal to play more of my video games and just enjoy my interests. i get very overwhelmed and feel like i cant do anything else but i just need to get out of that routine, and out of all the mindsets im in. i need to get better. but anyways, thank you for listening.
and goodbye emo retail... maybe ill be ur manager again one day...
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240709 / 11:08AM

GOODMORNING!! today has already been busy, i had to wake up at like... 7:30am to be able to go pick up my stepmom, to GO GET MY CAR!!!! i didnt mention it on here but my car has been in the shop for the past two weeks!!!!! i am very happy to her have back (Tiffany is her name btw) and!!!! she finally has an ATTACHED FRONT BUMPER!!!!!!!!!!!! her front bumper was incorrectly attached after getting my brakes "fixed" (i dont think they fixed them tbh... the workers there dont like me...) but smth happened and the bumper was PULLED OFF and has been hanging and threatening to fall off since.. october.. of 2023. I have gone the entire time at my job with a fucked up bumper. BUT NO LONGER!!!!! i can now go on the interstate and pull up in parking spots without fear! i can now also take her through the car wash! so all around i am happy.
other than that, i am just relaxing at home before my 7 hour shift! i had yesterday off so me and my gf just had a fun shopping lazy day and SHE DID MY HAIR!!!! ill try to take a picture to upload but its so super cool and PINK NOW~!!!!! momo always does so good on my hair, shes been doing it basically since we started dating. i love it sm, my roommates bf said i look like an anime character!!
side note: i love just being on my laptop so much. 10/10 experience. its so perfect everytime. i love perusing on pinterest and tumblr for graphics and cute stuff. i love reading about stuff i like and am interested in. i love doing stuff on it. i am just havinga. great time!
i think thats all for now, not too much, i just wanted to talk.
everyone reading this, have a great day!!
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240706 / 12:41AM

I FUFUCCKCKINNNGGGGGHATE MY JOB SO MCUH . SO SOMUCH. it makes me so upset to think abt going in but i feel like i cant quit bc the other managers there are young and weve become like friends and it would be like im personally fucking them over if i leave right before inventory bc i am also the manager and they would be mad at me BUT THE STORE MANAGER ALREADY GOT MAD AT ME TODAY bc of my time off stuff and i just do not like th epeople there and i need to quit anyway... i will just do doordash w my gf bc we both hate our fucking jobs. i havr only worked here since october and it has drained me so much. i feel less confident, i feel so stupid all the time, i hate customers so much, i get no joy from it anymore. It might even be better to quit now so they can find some situation to fix my absence during inventory... goodbye money ( ╥ω╥ ) but going in there just makes me so anxious and angry. and my coworkers r SO FUCKING ANNOYING. AND NO ONE WILL DO THEIR JOB ANYMORE. this job and my relationships with my coworkers are tooo toooo personal i know too much about them. even worse i DONT want to lose some of them over quitting but i probably will. this management positon was not worth the extra dollar. i cant do this. my store manager get so mad when anyone else says they are tired or burnt out. i AM BURNT OUT. i dont feel appreciated. i probably sound bratty and insane but whatever. i hate my stupid fucking job and i am going to quit.
on a BETTER NOTE. me and my gf have been like binge watching spyxfamily whenever we can bc its actually way better than we thought... i was always put off by anya and its audience but the show itself is actually nice, theres no fanservice at all and anya just acts like a kid. we both rly like loid but my gf is also prone to yuri... its just a silly fun show that i dont RLY have to pay attention to and thats nice!
i JUST finished my cloud strife shrine!!! and it turned out exactly how i wanted!! i always get a little stuck when it comes to writing the actual words that ppl will read on my website like my about me and cloud's info stuff... IDK everything in my brain always gets so jumbled so i never think the words im writing or saying are coming out right, if at all. Everything i say and do is clunky and jumpy and weird and does NOT sound normal or good. But wtvr, i think these turned out good :3 i rly need to work on being able to get my thoughts and emotions out, i never know how to desribe anything.
its closing in on 1AM now and i am pretty tired.. and i DO have to go over to my parents house for brunch tmrw... smth else i LOATHE. but goodnite!
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240702 / 01:29pm

HAI GUYS, im currenlty in the waiting room of my gfs therapy place. its rly nice to be alone in here w all the white noise running but ANYWAY. its the second of july!!! which is so so crazy, and its also FUCKING HOT. 102 DEGREES. U CANNOT BE SERIOUS. but its ok bc ive mostly just been relaxing in AC today (NO WORK!!!). July 31 is my 2 YEAR ANNIVERARY!!!!! i just cant stop thinking abt it coming up!! its been an amazing 2 years.
Moving on.. I GOT MY EYEBROWS PEIRCED YESTERDYA!!!!! and im so so happy, i feel like myself again. ive been wanting them again ever since my last two i had to take out finally healed up! although the right eyebrow piercing DID have to go through scar tissue and my god it was weird... i felt it POP. i love facial piercings, they make me feel so good abt myself. (i currently have 8! and counting..)
speaking of making myself feel good, i really want to look more into shopping for j-fashion pieces.. (online ofc, im not rly finding anything in a small town in the south). I really want to put more effort into how i dress and present myself, while i think i still look cool and cute now, its just all very. normal clothing. if that makes sense. i had such cool outfits in highschool.. its just been harder to motivate having a style after graduation. but yes, i am going to look into things like lolita, vkei and gyaru fashion!! those are my favorites.. I also want to practice makeup more to go with those fashion styles. I havent been wearing makeup a lot.. being genderfluid is also just weird. I def do want both masc and fem clothing options when shopping j-fashion as well. yes... Its hard being drawn to both cute and dark styles!!! i never know which one i want!!!
im sure this post is way longer than anyone is ever going to read but its fine! i like getting my thoughts out like this!
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

20240628 / 10:44pm

my first blog post!!!!! im so happy to finally get this thing set up/looking all cute. ive been rly wanting a blog/diary type page for my website bc I LOVE TO YAP!!!! and i think thisll be fun and help me. i do also journal in a physical book but i am kind of bad at keeping up w it.. even though it does rly help me. I am currently rly rly rly sleepy and tired bc i just got back from a 3 day trip w my gf (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ it was mostly for uni stuffs but we still had sm fun!!!! but it has made us both so exhausted, we went to bed at like 8 at the airbnbs. the trip was so amazinf and fun and i love my gf so so much but i am happy to be home. even though i HAVE STUPID WORK TMRW. I GO INTO WORK AT 11AM. THAT DISGUSTING!!!! and its another 8 hour shift... i cant keep doing this.. i am hoping my gf invites me back over soon (we split up for some alone time). im feeling weirdly anxious rn but im sure it is just me tweaking a lil! i probably jsut need to eat again and then go to sleep.
i hate having to go to work bc all i think abt (other than my gf) is my website!! and graphics and designs!!! and coding my beloved!!!! i just want tpo think abt my interests will on a comfy couch or my bed... I am just so tired.
sigh, this might be the end of this blog post for now. i am tired and anxious but overall in a very good mood. things always look up no matter what. everything will be ok!
- evvy (⇀ 3 ↼)

Photo Album!
I am planning to use this part of my blog as somewhere to almost strictly post photos i like as somewhere to keep them and share my finds!! (≧◡≦)

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Your more traditional blog, this section will be about medias i'm normal about or events or wtvr.. just more fun! ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝

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